㈠ 如何用VB網路傳輸圖片
Const Max As Long = 65534 '每次最大傳送數據
Dim SendPos As Double '發送數據位置
Dim RecPos As Double '接收數據位置(此二變數可實現斷點續傳)
Sub SendFile(FileName As String, Wnk As Winsock)
'FileName 預發送的文件.
Static iPoss As Double '當前發送位置
Dim SendData() As Byte '二進制數據
Dim Length As Double '記錄文件長度
Dim FileNum As Integer
FileNum = FreeFile '獲得文件號
Length = FileLen(FileName) '獲得文件長度
Open FileName For Binary As FileNum
If Length <= Max Then
ReDim SendData(1 To Length)
Get FileNum, , SendData
Wnk.SendData SendData
While iPos <= Length - Max
ReDim SendData(1 To Max)
Get FileNum, iPos + 1, SendData
Wnk.SendData SendData
iPos = iPos + Max
End If
ReDim SendData(Length - iPos - 1) '此處注意要-1,否則不會成功!
Get FileNum, iPos + 1, SendData
Wnk.SendData SendData
Close FileNum
Debug.Print FileLen(FileName)
End Sub
Sub ReceiveData(FileName As String, Wnk As Winsock, Lens As Long) '接收數據
'FileName 文件保存的位置
Dim RecData() As Byte
Dim Length As Double
Dim FileNum As Integer
FileNum = FreeFile
Open FileName For Binary As FileNum
Length = FileLen(FileName)
ReDim RecData(1 To Lens)
Wnk.GetData RecData
Put FileNum, Length + 1, RecData
Close FileNum
End Sub