當前位置:首頁 » 視頻照片 » 我可以給你發張照片用英語怎麼說
小愛老師可以裝什麼app 2024-10-01 03:28:36
什麼醫院可以檢測核酸 2024-10-01 03:08:57


發布時間: 2023-01-04 12:22:20

『壹』 可以發一張你的照片給我嗎 這句話英文應該怎麼說

Could you send a photo of you to me?


『貳』 「您好,我可以給您拍張照片嗎」用英語翻譯

"Hello,Can I take a photo for you ?" 樓下的回答不要用谷歌翻譯,那個不對

『叄』 你給我發張照片用英語怎麼說

send me a picture please!

『肆』 發張你的照片給我 英語怎麼說

Send a picture of you to me

『伍』 我可以給你拍張照片嗎用英文怎麼說

can i take photos for you?

『陸』 可以發張你的照片給我嗎怎麼用英語說

Could you send me a photo of yours?

『柒』 給我張你的照片,用英語怎麼說

Could you give me a photo of yours? I want to draw a picture for you if possible. Please do not misunderstand me. It is not because I have special feeling on you. Actually, you are not the kind of girl I love.You are lively, but I don't like girls of this character. However, I hope that I can have a younger sister just like you. If you haven't got any photos, I will wait for you as long as you are willing to give me one. If you are not willing to give me one, I will not forbid you. Just as I haven't mentioned that. At last, wish you happy.

『捌』 「您好,我可以給您拍張照片嗎」用英語翻譯

Hi ! can I take a picture of you ?