当前位置:首页 » 视频照片 » 可以重新发一下照片吗英文
哪个网站可以查网贷记录 2024-09-23 15:22:58
优教班级圈可以发图片吗 2024-09-23 15:05:43


发布时间: 2022-01-21 16:23:41

⑴ “可以发你相片看看吗”——用英文怎么说


  • Can sent you some photo and take a look at them?

⑵ 可以发张你的照片英文

出于礼貌:Could you kindly please provide me with one of your picture?
正常型的:Could you sned me your photo?
随意型的:Send me your photo? OK?

⑶ 可以发张你的照片给我吗怎么用英语说

Could you send me a photo of yours?

⑷ 英语翻译,感谢您更新信息,图片我已经重新发送,请查收

I really appreciate the update of the information. The picture has been re-sended to you already.
Please check your E-mail.
望采纳 谢谢

⑸ 可不可以发更多的图片关于....英语翻译

could you send more pictures about …………用could更婉转,客气一点儿

⑹ 英语翻译:“请再发我一张你的照片好吗”怎么说呢谢谢哦!

Would you please send me another your photo?

⑺ 请问"能把上次拍的照片发几张给我吗"英文怎么写

Could you send me a few of the pictures taken last time?


⑻ 可以发一张你的照片给我吗 这句话英文应该怎么说

Could you send a photo of you to me?


⑼ 可不可以发来你的一张照片 英文怎么说

Could you please send me a photo of yours?
Would you mind sending me a photo of yours?都可以~

⑽ 英语翻译:上次我们照的照片不好,可以再照一张吗

The picture we took last time was not good enough ,shall we take another ?